Obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL) is not an easy accomplishment. Once you have your CDL, you do not want anything to put you at risk of losing it. If you were pulled over and arrested for suspected DWI, the future of your career and livelihood are at stake.
Do not hesitate to get help fighting to retain your commercial license or avoid the social and professional stigma of a DWI conviction. A Lewisville commercial DWI attorney from our firm can serve as your advocate and help you minimize the damage of a DWI. You can learn more when you contact the client intake team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today.
Avoid the Negative Aftermath of a Commercial DWI in Lewisville
As a commercial driver in Lewisville, a DWI can have a serious impact on your ability to continue earning a living. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety regulations, the penalties you can expect after a DWI conviction include:
- Leaving the scene of an accident or committing a felony can mean that you are disqualified from driving commercially (for a minimum of 1 year for a first offense and permanently for any subsequent offenses)
- Leaving the scene of an accident or committing a felony while operating a commercial motor vehicle which transports hazardous materials can mean that you will be disqualified from driving commercially (for a minimum of 3 years for a first offense and permanently for any subsequent offenses)
If you drive a commercial vehicle, you cannot afford to risk losing your driving privileges. A Lewisville DWI lawyer at our firm can help you minimize the damage of an alcohol-related strike on your driving record. If you are arrested for DWI, we encourage you to contact our firm as soon as possible.
DWI Laws Are Strict for Commercial Drivers
Most people know the legal definition of driving while intoxicated in Texas is having a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08 or higher. While this is the law for drivers with a traditional driver’s license, the law is stricter for commercial drivers. According to Texas Transportation Code § 522.011, the legal limit for intoxication for holders of CDL licenses is only 0.04.
If you are arrested for suspected DWI while driving a commercial vehicle, a criminal defense lawyer at our firm can stand by you while you fight to clear your name and your record. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for help after an alcohol-related arrest. Fighting to retain your license on your own means navigating complex laws, going to court unrepresented, and facing possible suspension of the driving privileges that let you provide for yourself and your family.
You do not have to fight DWI charges on your own. A Lewisville commercial DWI lawyer on our team can help you fight to retain your driver’s license.
Our Commercial DWI Lawyer in Lewisville Is Your Advocate
Earning a CDL or CLP (commercial learner permit) license is an accomplishment that involves a lengthy amount of classroom and on-the-road training. One DWI can put the commercial license you worked so hard to earn at risk. A second DWI can mean a lifetime ban on your ability to drive commercially. A commercial DWI lawyer with our firm can help preserve your CDL or CLP license by:
- Making sure your rights were honored during your arrest
- Explaining the process and potential penalties of a DWI
- Reading and reviewing your BAC results
- Requesting examination of BAC testing machinery and results
- Representing you throughout all hearings and in a court of law if your case goes to trial
If your CDL or CLP is necessary for your preferred career path, you should do everything you can to protect it. Review the circumstances and details of your arrest with a member of our commercial DWI team as soon as possible. Our goal is to help you retain your driving privileges and avoid being forced out of a career you worked hard to achieve and that you find lucrative and fulfilling.
Protect Your Rights Until You Speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney From Our Team
Starting when the police pull you over for suspicion of DWI, do not volunteer information without first speaking to your lawyer. Cooperate with police throughout the arrest process but avoid answering questions or submitting to an interview. As soon as possible, request for your lawyer and do not speak until your lawyer is present.
In fact, according to the Miranda Warning, remaining silent is your right—so you cannot be forced to answer questions. You also have the right to a lawyer. Remain calm until your lawyer arrives, or until you call for a consultation with one of our team members.
Recall as many details of your arrest—and the circumstances that lead to your arrest—as possible. Share these details (including the steps taken to measure your blood alcohol concentration) with your lawyer. The details of your situation can help your lawyer build a case that can lead to a plea bargain that reduces the charges against you and allow you to retain your CDL.
Potential Defense Strategies Our DWI Attorneys Can Use for Your Case
CDL license suspension, criminal penalties, like jail time and fines, and an upending of your personal life are all on the table after receiving a charge for a commercial DWI in Lewisville, Texas. However, when you have a criminal defense attorney from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg on your side, they can build a defense strategy to help keep you out of jail and keep your criminal record clean.
Common defense strategies we use in these types of cases include:
- Faulty Breathalyzer test results
- Failure to read your Miranda rights
- Failure to maintain chain of custody
- Lack of probable cause
- Lack of reasonable suspicion
- Entrapment
- Unlawful search and seizure
Sometimes, we may use multiple strategies to develop the most robust case. It all depends on the details of your situation.
Retain Your Commercial Driving Privileges With Our Lewisville Attorneys’ Help
If you are a commercial driver who was arrested for DWI, you can get help from a lawyer from our firm. The founder of our firm, Randy Isenberg, has more than thirty years of experience and spent his career as both a former prosecutor and state district judge.
This experience can help you retain your driving privileges and maintain a blemish-free commercial driving record. A Lewisville commercial DWI lawyer at our firm can help you navigate your way from arrest to resolution. Contact the DWI team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today.