Allegations of sex crimes can have devastating consequences personally, professionally, and legally. Under both federal and state law, many sex crimes are considered felonies. While the allegation of a sex crime can pose challenges to your life, an actual conviction could destroy it. Those convicted of a sex offense under TX Code Ch. 21 often find it difficult to obtain employment, secure housing, and maintain relationships. If you have been arrested or charged with a sexual offense crime, you may feel terrified and devastated.
Contact a sex crimes lawyer in Lewisville from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at (214) 696-9253 to understand your legal rights, and how we can help you with your case.
Sex Crimes in Texas
There are several different sex crimes for which one can face charges. They can include:
- Rape or sexual assault
- Sexual abuse of a child/indecency with a child
- Possession of child pornography
- Distribution of child pornography
- Public lewdness
- Indecent exposure
Most sexual offenses are categorized as felonies in the state of Texas and carry longer sentences and harsh penalties. If a child is involved, or if the crime included violence, the penalties can be even harsher. However, regardless of the sexual offense for which you were arrested or charged; you have the right under Texas law to have your side heard in a court of law.
Penalties for Sex Crimes
The consequences and punishment for sex crimes in the state of Texas are typically severe and harsh.
The penalties include multiple types of felonies:
- 1st-degree felony: 5-99 years in prison, $10,000 in fines
- 2nd-degree felony: 2-20 years in prison, $10,000 in fines
- 3rd-degree felony: 2-10 years in prison, $10,000 in fines
- State jail felony: 6 months-2 years in state jail, $10,000 in fines
Conviction of a sex crime can include the requirement to formally register as a sex offender on the National Sex Offender Registry.
Additionally, convicted felons in the state of Texas can not own any firearms, vote, serve on a jury, or hold public office. Gaining admission to a school is also challenging. Many colleges will not admit convicted felons or those charged with sexual offense crimes.
Being convicted of a sex crime can also affect your child custody arrangement. Depending on the circumstances of the sexual offense, you may be prevented from seeing your children. Along with your family, your career may also be ruined. Attempting to find employment after serving time for a sexual offense can be challenging, if not impossible. Many employers will simply refuse to employ a convicted sex offender.
The penalties for a convicted sex offender in the state of Texas far surpass fines and jail time. The consequences can be devastating and life-altering.
Your Legal Rights in a Sex Crimes Case
In the state of Texas, a defendant has rights regarding the sex offense investigation. Your Constitutional rights include the right to remain silent under the 5th Amendment, the right to refuse entry into your home or vehicle without consent, and the right to legal representation. You may feel terrified and overwhelmed if you have been charged or arrested with a sex crime, but remember you have these rights and should seek legal counsel and representation from a sex crimes lawyer in Lewisville before visiting with police officers or allowing law enforcement into your home without a warrant.
The police may attempt to interrogate you regarding either evidence or alleged circumstances with respect to a sex offense. While you may feel compelled to tell your side of the story and “clear the air,” what you say can be taken out of context and used against you in a court of law. Many sex crimes occur without any witnesses present other than the victim and the accused.
Therefore, prosecutors make decisions based not only on the evidence but on the credibility of the parties allegedly involved. If you are falsely accused of a sex crime, your conversations with police officers and law enforcement can be interpreted incorrectly and then used against you at trial.
Contacting a criminal attorney who handles sex crimes at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help you evaluate your case, determine how best to present your side of the story to law enforcement, and represent you during the investigative process. Randall has experience as a prosecutor, judge, and criminal defense attorney. He will use this experience to build a robust case against the charges you face.
Contact a Sex Crimes Lawyer in Lewisville, TX
If you have been charged or arrested for a sex crime, you may feel isolated from family, friends, and colleagues. It is vital that you visit as soon as possible with a sex crime lawyer to help you understand your legal rights, provide representation during interrogations, develop a strategy, create a defense, and attempt to secure the best outcome for your case. Contact a sex crimes lawyer at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg for more information at (214) 696-9253.