If you are facing an underage DWI charge in Lewisville, your future may hang in the balance. An underage DWI conviction could mean thousands of dollars in fines, the loss of your license for up to a year, and even a jail sentence. These charges should not be taken lightly. The team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can work to minimize the impact these charges have on your life.
After an underage DWI arrest, you want a legal team that is committed to building a strong defense and working to protect your future. Contact an underage DWI lawyer in Lewisville today at (214) 696-9253.
Possible Penalties for Underage DWI Conviction
The state of Texas takes underage drinking and driving very seriously. If you are convicted of drinking or possessing alcohol under the age of 21, you may face up to a $500 fine, suspension of your driving privileges for up to six months, community service, and mandatory alcohol awareness classes.
The penalties for drinking and driving, however, can be much more severe. Keep in mind that there is no legally acceptable amount of alcohol a minor can consume before getting behind the wheel.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, if you are convicted of a Lewisville underage DWI, you may face the following consequences.
First Underage Lewisville DWI Charge
- Up to $500 in fines
- Mandatory attendance of an alcohol awareness course
- Up to 40 hours of community service
- Suspension of your driver’s license for up to 60 days
If your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is .08 or higher, you may face much higher fines, the loss of your driver’s license for up to a year, and even jail time.
The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Can Help with Your Underage DWI Charges
If you are facing an underage DWI charge in Lewisville, you want an underage DWI lawyer in Lewisville that is committed to fighting the charges and protecting your future. At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we have built a reputation for working to reach positive outcomes in criminal cases. Here is how we can help you.
Help You Navigate the Legal Process
The Texas legal process can be overwhelming and frightening, particularly for first-time offenders. Our team will help guide you through the legal process, explain what you can expect, and ensure your rights are protected throughout the underage DWI legal process.
Explore Underage DWI Defense Options
There are various defenses available in an underage DWI charge. Randall Isenberg and his team will put his previous experience a former prosecutor to work to craft a legal defense strategy. This may include arguing the officers had no reason to pull you over; proving that the field test was improperly administered, or even working to reduce the charges you face.
Work to Minimize the Consequences of the Charges
The best-case scenario is a dismissal of charges. If we can accomplish this, the charges will have no future impact on your life. However, if that is not possible, our team will work to reduce the impact these charges have on your life. For example, we may work to reduce fines or the length of your license suspension.
Contact an Underage DWI Lawyer in Lewisville Today
An underage DWI conviction in Lewisville, Texas, can make it difficult to gain employment, further your education, or even drive to school and work. You want a legal team that has the experience and the knowledge required to fight for your future.
With more than three decades of criminal law experience, Randall Isenberg and his team have the legal knowledge to fight for your future. Whether you are facing your first or a subsequent underage DWI charge, our criminal defense team is ready to fight for you.
Contact the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at (214) 696-9253 for a free Lewisville underage DWI case review. We are ready to fight for your future.