The Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg has practiced law for as long as your child has been alive. For more than 30 years, we’ve helped countless Texans overcome their driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges––even securing “not guilty” verdicts for the most hopeless-seeming situations.
If your child is facing criminal charges, a Southlake underage DWI attorney can advocate for their future. We can craft your child’s defense, review the details of their arrest, and represent them at trial. You can learn more about our legal services during your no-obligation case review.
We Protect Your Child From the Penalties of an Underage DWI Conviction
The consequences of a conviction can prove traumatizing. Our lawyers in Southlake hope to minimize the effects of an arrest on your child’s life. Per the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), first-offense penalties include:
Jail Time
Being separated from your child is one thing. Being separated from your child because they’re behind bars is an entirely different matter. A conviction can bring anywhere from three to 180 days in jail. During that period, your child could face:
- Threats to their well-being and safety
- Psychological distress from isolation
- Delays graduating (if they’re still in school)
Once your child leaves jail, they could face social stigma that prevents them from fully reassimilating into society. In many underage drunk driving cases, we’re able to secure outcomes that result in zero to little jail time. Retaining your child’s freedom is one of our most important legal goals.
A conviction can result in a $2,000 fine. You might not have that money laying around. What’s more, if that fine doesn’t get paid, the police could issue a warrant for your child’s arrest––leading to further hardships.
The Loss of Their Driving Privileges
If convicted, the state could revoke your child’s driving privileges for anywhere from 90 days to a year. This could complicate:
- Going to school
- Working
- Partaking in extracurricular activities
- Taking care of dependent relatives (such as children or elderly grandparents)
Needless to say, an underage DWI charge is not a conviction. We still have options for protecting your child’s future and freedom.
An Underage DWI Conviction Remains on Your Child’s Record Forever
Texas law notes that some offenses are eligible for expunction, meaning they can be removed from your record. However, DWI convictions do not fall under that category. Once it’s on your child’s record, it’s there for good––and anyone who runs a background check can see it.
This makes it crucial to consider the value of hiring a Southlake underage DWI attorney. The legal system gives very few second chances when it comes to drinking and driving, and you don’t want your child to suffer the consequences.
Frequently Asked Questions About Southlake Underage DWI Accident Cases
There’s nothing more important than your child’s future. So, we want to supply all the information you need to make decisions about what comes next. Right now, you may have questions, such as:
How Long Does a Trial Take?
Generally, once your child’s trial is underway, it’ll likely take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Under the U.S. Constitution, your child has the right to a fair and speedy trial. If the prosecution takes too long to start your case, we can file for a dismissal.
What Should I Do After My Child Gets Arrested?
You should consider hiring a lawyer once your child gets arrested. The sooner you secure legal help, the sooner an attorney can start building your child’s defense. Another consideration includes enrolling your child in an alcohol education program. This could show the court that your child is committed to bettering themselves and avoiding drunk driving in the future.
What Is Deferred Probation?
While reading about our law firm’s case results, you may have seen that we secure “deferred probation” for many DWI defendants. But what does this term mean? Some judges sentence defendants to probation, meaning they must regularly check in with probation officers and adhere to other terms.
Deferred probation is slightly different. Here, the judge finds “sufficient evidence of guilt,” yet defers their ruling. Then, the defendant gets placed on supervision, and if they abide by certain terms (usually not to commit additional crimes), the judge will dismiss the case.
With deferred probation, your child could technically claim that they weren’t convicted of a crime and wouldn’t have to disclose that information to others.
What Do Previous Clients Share About Our Texas Legal Team?
We find that our clients most appreciate our honesty. We don’t make outlandish promises that we don’t intend to keep. However, we pledge to manage your case to the best of our ability and fight for a positive outcome. Some clients have felt compelled to share:
- “They were honest with me from the beginning about my case being a difficult case but, they were going to try their best. They absolutely did their best and more. The Associate Attorney S. Colleen led my case and my case was dismissed before trial… I am forever grateful with Law Office of Randall B. Isenberg and they are truly the BEST representation you can get.” ––A.E.
- “I didn’t feel that I was even “buzzed” when I drove home to Dallas from a birthday party in Texarkana. Nonetheless, the slight smell of alcohol spilled on my shirt was enough for the arresting officer to do a field sobriety test. When it read .09, I was flabbergasted…To make a long story short, Randall was able to prove that the test given to me failed to comply with NHTSA standards. So, the evidence was ruled invalid.” ––J.
Begin a No-Obligation Case Review With the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg
Your child deserves nothing but the best legal representation. That’s where our team comes in. From the moment we take your case, we prepare for success. We gather the evidence needed to support your child’s defense and keep you updated each step of the way. To learn more about working with our team in Southlake, call now.