When considering whether you need a criminal defense attorney, it’s critical to consider the charges you’re facing and the evidence against you. If you face misdemeanor or felony criminal charges, a conviction could result in various consequences, including fines, jail time, and a loss of reputation.
You certainly have the right to plead guilty to your charges without having an attorney present. If you simply want to end the case as quickly as possible, pleading guilty will speed things along. However, a criminal defense attorney could build a case to reduce, dismiss, or acquit you of your charges. Your lawyer can start representing you from your first interview with authorities and handle everything from there.
Some Charges May Be More Serious for You Than Others
Determining whether you may want to hire a lawyer specializing in criminal defense will depend on your particular circumstances. For example, if you are facing a misdemeanor in county court, your fines or jail time could be minimal, especially for a first-time offense.
Some people may not want to hire an attorney to defend them against misdemeanors, while others will seek the help of a criminal defense lawyer for every charge they may ever face. It largely depends on the type of charge you may be facing and how it will impact your life.
Having our legal team working on your defense can be especially beneficial if
You Are Innocent
You may believe that the criminal justice system will find you innocent if you truly did not commit the offense, meaning you do not need to hire an attorney to defend you. Ideally, this would be the case every time.
Unfortunately, this is not how the criminal justice system always works. Even if you are innocent, circumstantial evidence and unreliable eyewitness testimony could leave you receiving a guilty verdict in a trial.
Hiring a criminal defense lawyer does not guarantee you will avoid a guilty verdict. Still, our defense lawyers know what it takes to protect your right to be “innocent until proven guilty.”
Your Charges Could Lead to Job Loss
When pleading guilty could lead to a job loss, a lawyer from our firm can fight to protect your livelihood. For example, if you drive for a living and need a clean driving record to be able to keep your job, you may want to hire an attorney to try to protect your record, even for a traffic ticket.
You Already Have a Conviction on a Particular Charge
As shown in the Texas Penal Code, someone facing a repeat offense will have far greater penalties than someone with a first-time charge.
Because of the harsher penalties on the table, you may want to hire a lawyer to defend you against this latest charge, even if you simply pled guilty to the first charge.

You Are Facing a Felony
Felonies are far more serious charges than misdemeanors. With a felony conviction in Texas, you:
- Will no longer have the right to hold public office
- May not be able to work in certain professions where the code of ethics bans convicted felons
- Could lose your right to own a firearm temporarily or permanently, according to the Texas State Law Library
After hiring our law firm to defend you against a felony charge, we may suggest negotiating a plea bargain. This means the prosecutor may reduce your felony charge to a misdemeanor in exchange for a guilty plea to the reduced charge. This is just one of several options our legal team may explore in your case.

You Want to Seek a Release on Bond
If you have a criminal defense attorney on your side, they can fight to keep you out of jail by posting bond while you await your trial. Our attorneys know how bond hearings work, and we will craft a strategy to convince the court to set your bond as low as possible.
You do Not Want to Rely on a Public Defender
If you qualify, you certainly can allow a public defender to help you with your case. However, these attorneys often have far too many cases to give your case the full attention it deserves. When you hire our team, we will spend the time necessary to set up the best possible defense strategy.
Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Provides Criminal Defense Services
Not just any attorney can provide adequate criminal defense techniques for their clients. When you are seeking representation, trust that our criminal defense attorneys have extensive knowledge of the legal system in Texas – we can use our successes in past cases to craft the best possible legal defense for you.
Whether you are facing a simple misdemeanor, a serious felony, or any charge in between, Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg are ready to help. Call us today for a free discussion of your case at (214) 696-9253.