When additional factors turn a drunk driving charge into a felony DWI, it becomes even more important that you do everything you can to build the strongest possible defense. You want an attorney who knows the court system and has fought complex cases beyond drunk driving charges.
Our firm can assign a DWI lawyer in Dallas to handle your case. Our criminal defense lawyers have the resources to investigate the charges, collect evidence in your defense, negotiate with the court for lesser charges or penalties, and much more.
What Can Our DWI Defense Team Do for You?
Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg is proud to protect the rights of everyone within the Dallas-Fort Worth area. When you hire us, a felony DWI lawyer from our firm will fight for you after a felony DWI charge by:
- Planning your defense: In addition to the traditional DWI defense strategies, such as challenging the initial stop or blood test results, we can pursue strategies specific to the particular felony DWI charges that you face.
- Looking for evidence: For example, we can collect witness statements, traffic cam footage, or police reports to refute the prosecution’s claims.
- Identifying misconduct: If anyone violated your rights at any point from the moment of your arrest onward, we could use that fact to argue that the prosecution’s entire case against you is invalid.
- Addressing your concerns: Have a question about your case or the legal system in general? You are always welcome to call. Our team will take the time to ensure that you understand what is happening and can make important decisions.
- Going to trial for you: We will stand up for your rights in the courtroom. This includes delivering oral arguments, submitting evidence to the court, and more.
- Negotiating with the other parties: If there is any way to get the penalties or the charges themselves reduced, we will fight hard to make it happen. This way, you can get back to your regular life sooner.
Our goal is to make guilt beyond a reasonable doubt very difficult for the prosecution to prove. If any doubt remains at the end of the case, then the jury must find you not guilty.
What Are the Penalties for Felony DWI?
Per the University of Texas at Austin, there are several different categories of felony in the state of Texas. Depending on what felony crime you are accused of and whether or not anyone was injured due to your alleged actions, you could be charged with:
- First-degree felony: This is one of the most serious kinds of felonies. You could face up to 99 years in prison if convicted.
- Second-degree felony: You may be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years behind bars if, for example, your alleged actions led to the injury of a child.
- Third-degree felony: The potential sentence for this type of felony includes ten years in prison. Per TX Penal Code Title 10 Chapter 49, driving drunk with a child under 15 in the car is an example of a third-degree felony.
- State jail felony: The least serious type of felony, a state jail felony, could still put you behind bars for up to two years.
All of these felony types also come with a maximum potential fine of $10,000. This is in addition to any court fees or restitution (payment made to victims injured by your alleged actions) ordered by the judge.
Additional Consequences of Felony DWI
Aside from fines and jail time, a felony conviction could end your life as you know it by:
- Making it harder to find a job: Many employers are reluctant to hire anyone with a conviction, even if they have served their time. This could permanently derail your career.
- Taking you away from your family: Long prison sentences can be a burden to both you and your loved ones, who would have to make do without your daily presence or your regular wages.
- Destroying your reputation: Current friends and acquaintances may cut off contact. Also, if your DWI led to an accident in Dallas, your criminal record can never be expunged, so anyone who looks you up online can see your conviction.
- Ruining your finances: Between fees, fines, and difficulty in finding employment, your entire family could feel the financial strain of your conviction.
To avoid facing such harsh penalties, you should take your criminal charges seriously and begin building your defense as soon as possible. The faster you call, the faster we can start working to defend your rights.
What Is a Felony DWI in Texas?
There are several specific circumstances that can turn a normal DWI into a felony DWI. The most common scenario stems from having two prior DWI or DUI convictions. These convictions could have happened anywhere and at any time. Other circumstances that can lead to a felony DWI charge include:
- Vehicular homicide
- Intoxication manslaughter
- Intoxication assault (a drunk driving accident with serious bodily injury)
- Having a child under 15 in the car at the time of the DWI
No matter what charges you face, you do not have to deal with them alone. Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can be there for you to handle all legal tasks, explain your rights, and more. We have helped clients in the past by:
- Getting the charges against them dismissed or reduced
- Reducing the penalties to probation or deferred probation
- Filing motions for a speedy trial
- Advocating vigorously for them in the courtroom
Our criminal defense attorneys also offer individualized legal care. We know each case is unique, so we never apply a standardized approach to our clients’ cases. Instead, our criminal attorneys tailor a legal strategy to suit your specific situation.
We Offer Free Consultations to Everyone
With 30 years of experience as a prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge, Randall Isenberg knows what it takes to build a strong and comprehensive defense strategy. Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg at any time if you have been charged with felony DWI in Dallas. We can tell you more about our defense services at no cost or obligation to you.