The cost of a criminal defense lawyer can vary based on several factors. Some of these factors include the complexity of the case, the severity of the charge(s), and the number of hours the lawyer works on the case. Some law firms have set fees while others charge by the hour.
If a criminal case ends up going to trial, the cost of a criminal defense lawyer will be a higher expense. When working with a Texas criminal defense lawyer from our team, we will present a fee agreement so you are aware of any costs associated with your case from the beginning.
What a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can do for You
According to Texas Penal Codes, if you are convicted of a crime, penalties could include paying large fines or serving jail time. A criminal defense lawyer at our firm could assist with getting fines and/or sentences either reduced or dismissed.
Getting a criminal charge can be a stressful ordeal that can leave you feeling scared and alone. A criminal defense lawyer can offer support and guidance to help you reach the best possible outcome for your case. Some of the services our law office provides:
- Answering any questions or concerns you have throughout the entirety of your case. Lawyers from our firm are available to review your case and determine the costs associated with representing you.
- An attorney can Investigate your case to ensure all necessary evidence has been collected and stored appropriately.
- Negotiating for a resolution to keep your case out of court.
- Managing communications.
- Advising you on how to move forward during any plea deals or during trial.
- Explaining the penalties you could potentially face if convicted.
- Filing an appeal if necessary.
There are many responsibilities when building a criminal defense case. A lawyer from our team can help to ease the burden and take care of any legal obligations. Find out more about how lawyers from our team can assist you with your criminal defense case.
Penalties Can be More Costly Without a Lawyer
When you are facing permanent criminal charges or possible jail time, the fee for a lawyer could be worth the expense. Lawyers can help to reduce fines or even eliminate them completely. According to Texas Penal Code T. 1 C. 2, all citizens are innocent until proven guilty. An attorney at our firm will work tirelessly to make sure you are granted that right.
Some criminal charges cannot be expunged from your record, such as a DUI. It is important to hire an attorney to lessen the risk of being convicted to avoid these long-term issues. The cost of a lawyer can be worth it because of the money you can lose down the road if you are convicted of criminal charges.
There are also time limits for pursuing legal action against your charges. For criminal charges it is two to five years as per Texas Criminal Code of Procedure Title 1 Chapter 12. The length of time could even be shorter or longer than this depending on the severity of the crime. Call our office today to see how a lawyer from our firm can help you before time runs out.
Long-Term Consequences If You Are Convicted of a Crime
The effects of being convicted of a criminal offense can be significant in several areas that can affect you financially in the future. Some people aren’t aware of the negative consequences that could occur as a result of a criminal conviction. These include:
- Seeking employment
- Applying for a loan
- Applying to educational institutions and financial assistance programs
- Seeking to obtain custody of a child
It is important to understand the long-term consequences of having a criminal conviction on your record. The cost of hiring a lawyer can sometimes outweigh the negative consequences that could occur if you are convicted of a crime.
A Criminal Conviction Can Put You at Risk to Lose Employment
Being convicted on a criminal charge could lead to job loss. You could be denied a professional license or have a current license revoked. People who drive for a living could also lose their job if they no longer have a clean driving record. A lawyer from our firm could help to maintain a good driving record, even if it is something as small as a traffic ticket.
The process of clearing an offense from your record can be a complicated process. An attorney who is experienced in this area can help you manage the process. Protecting your livelihood can be worth the cost of an attorney in the long run.
Have an Attorney Review Your Case for Free
We know how devastating a criminal conviction can be at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. Throughout every step of your case, we will be there for you. View our case results to see how we have helped past clients.
Our goal will be to dismiss or reduce any charges brought against you. We want our clients to feel supported and optimistic about the outcome of their case. Our attorneys will always keep you updated on the status of your case. Call today for a free and confidential consultation with our office at 214-696-9253 or fill out our contact form.