A DUI conviction can continue to impact your life for years after you have served out your sentence. Our DeSoto under 21 DUI lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg can help you fight against a DUI charge and ensure the legal system respects your rights at every step. Call us at (214) 696-9253 to receive a free consultation from our team member.
How DUI Works in Texas
In Texas, driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are two very different charges. Of the two, DWI incurs more serious penalties. While people under 21 can be charged with DWI, adults cannot be charged with DUI.
As codified in Sec. 724.011(3)(a) of the Texas Transportation Code, the mere fact that you were arrested on a possible DUI charge gives the police permission to administer any alcohol tests they deem necessary. This includes both breathalyzer tests and blood tests. Refusal to take such tests, according to the second page of a PDF released by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), will only make things worse; you may end up losing your driver’s license for far longer than if you had taken the test.
What are the police looking for when they administer a blood or breathalyzer test? They are checking your blood alcohol concentration.
In the United States, the legal limit—past which you are considered “drunk”—is a blood alcohol concentration of .08. However, this limit does not apply in DUI cases. If the police detect any amount of alcohol at all, you could be charged with DUI. Texas has zero-tolerance for alcohol-related crimes, no matter your age.
The Penalties for DUI Can Vary
The DPS provides a great deal of information about a minor’s rights in cases of DUI (or suspected DUI), as well as the penalties you may face if convicted.
The first conviction carries the lightest penalties. This does not mean that you should not worry about such a conviction or that carrying out your sentence will be easy. You could face up to:
- Six months without your driver’s license
- $500 in fines
- 40 hours of community service
If this is your second or third offense (i.e., you were convicted of DUI once or twice before), then the maximum possible penalties increase to:
- Two years without your driver’s license
- $500 in fines
- 60 hours of community service
In both cases, you may also be compelled to attend an alcohol awareness course designed to give you a better understanding of the dangers of drinking and driving. This, as well as the mandatory community service, can pull you away from work or school, making it more difficult for you to fulfill those responsibilities.
DWI Penalties
In some cases, the arresting officer may charge you with DWI instead of DUI. They may do this for any number of reasons. The arresting officer has the right to decide which situations are serious enough to warrant a DWI charge.
The penalties associated with a first-time DWI offense are far more serious than those associated with DUI offenses. You may face up to:
- One year without your driver’s license
- $2,000 in fines
- Six months in jail
If you are searching for a defense attorney who serves DeSoto, Texas, look no further than the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. With over three decades of diverse experience in the law, Randy Isenberg and his team know how to put the law to work for clients just like you. Call us at (214) 696-9253 at any time, day or night, to get started.
The Benefits of Hiring a DeSoto Under 21 DUI Lawyer
Whether this is your first offense or your third, you will want to do everything you can to protect your rights and interests. One action you can take right now is to pick up the phone and receive a free consultation from the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg. If you decide you would like to retain our services, we will go to work for you in the following ways.
Investigate the Arrest
Just because you have been arrested for DUI does not mean you are guilty of that or any other crime. We will check to make sure the arresting officer had good cause to pull you over, that they treated you lawfully throughout the arrest, and that other substances did not skew your blood alcohol concentration test.
Negotiate for a Reduction or a Dismissal
Obviously, the best-case scenario would be getting the judge to drop all charges as quickly as possible. In some cases, we can persuade them to do this with evidence collected during the investigation. In cases where that is not possible, we will try to convince them to reduce the charges instead. This way, even if you are convicted, you will pay smaller fines and lose your license for less (or no) time.
Represent You in the Courtroom
Some cases do not make it as far as the courtroom, but our team is not afraid to go to court on your behalf if necessary. We will make sure that all evidence is submitted in a timely manner, and we will argue before a judge and jury that you should be acquitted.
At the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg, we understand how scary it is to be facing such serious charges, especially at such a young age. A lawyer from our team can put your mind at ease by explaining your rights to you and helping you fight to protect them. To find out more about retaining our DeSoto under 21 DUI lawyer, get in touch with us by calling (214) 696-9253.