Accidents happen, and if you have been charged with a DWI stemming from a motor vehicle collision that resulted in injury, it is critical that you seek out an experienced legal advisor. The penalties for DWI in Texas can be quite stiff, and a DWI defense lawyer can present a strong case and minimize your sentence, if not reach a favorable agreement or dismissal.
If you are facing a charge of DWI involving an accident in violation of Texas § Sec. 49.04, call our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at (214) 696-9253. We will discuss your case and set you on a path to a legal outcome that you can live with.
Know What You Are Facing
The law in Texas does not treat DWI lightly. Perhaps you are innocent of your charges, or you made a mistake and are looking to minimize the damage that the mistake has on your future. Regardless of your circumstances, we want to be realistic about what you are facing, and how a lawyer could potentially help improve your odds of a favorable sentence, plea agreement, or having your case dismissed.
What is DWI?
DWI is the acronym for Driving While Intoxicated, and it is essentially the term for drunk driving in Texas. The Texas Department of Transportation explains that if you took a breathalyzer and your blood alcohol concentration was found to be .08 or higher, then you will almost certainly be charged with a DWI.
Potential Sentences For a First-Time DWI
If you are charged with DWI for the first time, then you face:
- A potential jail term of anywhere between 3 and 180 days (3 months) in jail
- A fine of up to $2,000
- Loss of your license for up to a year
- An annual fee of $1,000 to $2,000 for 3 years in order to retain your license
If you face a charge of DWI for the second or third time, the potential jail time, fines, and license revocation will only become more severe. If you were charged with a DWI while a child passenger younger than 15 years old was in the car, you may face a fine of up to $10,000, up to two years in state jail, and the loss of your license for up to 180 days.
These consequences would be a serious inconvenience, to put it lightly, and for most would result in further consequences in terms of employment, reputation, and more. It is critical that you retain an experienced legal advisor to guide you through this time of legal turmoil. Call our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at (214) 696-9253.
We Have the Experience to Mount a Strong Defense
Our firm is headed by Randy Isenberg, who has thirty years of experience as a former State District Judge and Chief Felony Prosecutor. This, along with his and our other attorneys’ experience defending those charged with DWI, gives our team unique insight into how prosecutors and judges think and act. This extensive experience also resulted in a network of relationships in the Carrollton legal community. Allow the team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg to deploy this experience in your defense. Do not fight this alone.
Benefits of Hiring an Attorney
A wreck or injury lawyer in Carrollton will take the legal responsibilities off of your plate as to minimize the stress you are also facing while providing you with a strong legal defense. We will:
- Handle the legal process from start to finish, mounting a strong, evidence-based defense
- Examine all evidence pertaining to your case, keeping a keen eye out for any exonerating evidence
- Speak with the prosecutor, responding officer, and others to get a full picture of your case, ensuring that we face no curveballs when it comes time for trial or settlement
- Keep you abreast of all developments and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the entire legal process
- Ultimately come to a conclusion that we agree upon, and one that leaves you in the best position to rebound from these charges
Call Our Team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg Today
Each DWI involving an accident is different, and we want to hear about yours today so that we can begin mounting an effective defense of your case on your behalf. This is a trying time, so allow a wreck or injury lawyer in Carrollton to take the legal details off your plate. Call our team at the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at (214) 696-9253.