Texas has strict drunk driving laws and a “no tolerance” policy for drivers under the legal drinking age. If police catch a driver under the age of 21 driving drunk, she might face jail time, fines, and license suspension.
If you or your teen is facing DWI charges in Dallas-Fort Worth, you need an aggressive defense attorney who understands the steps to take to protect your future or your teen’s future. We can help mitigate the damage this type of arrest has on your child’s education, future job prospects, and other important life goals.
Call the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg today at 214-696-9253 to set up a time to discuss how we can build a strong defense for you, or your son, or your daughter.
What consequences can I expect after a Fort Worth underage DWI conviction?
When Fort Worth police charge an underage driver with DWI, this young person faces the same potential sentence that an older driver would with the same charge. Not only could this include jail time, a suspended license, fines, and community service, but it also affects other aspects of the underage person’s life. After a DWI conviction, you must disclose your arrest record to apartment managers, universities, potential employers, and even some professional licensing organizations.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, a first offense DWI can result in:
- Up to 180 days in jail (if police find you with an open container in the car, you will serve a minimum 6-day sentence in jail)
- Driver’s license suspension of up to 365 days
- Up to $2,000 in fines
- Additional fees of $1,000 to $2,000 for three years to reinstate license
- Mandatory alcohol awareness course
- Community service
- Probation
A second offense comes with a $4,000 fine, 30 days to a year in jail, and a license suspension of 180 days to 2 years.
Do underage drivers always receive a DWI?
Not always. In rare cases, an officer might be lenient and give a driver a DUI (driving under the influence).
This might occur if the driver had a BAC right at 0.08 or if this is the driver’s first arrest. A DUI charge can result in fines, a license suspension, and a requirement to attend an Alcohol Education Program for Minors awareness class.
What types of defenses are common in underage DWI cases?
Depending on the facts of your arrest and other factors, we can build a strong defense to prove your innocence or mitigate the effect this arrest could have on your future. Some of the most common questions we try to answer when crafting an underage DWI defense include:
- Did the police have probable cause to stop you?
- Did officers conduct the field sobriety tests properly?
- Was the device used to test your BAC calibrated accurately?
- Were there other factors which could lead to an inaccurate reading?
- Did officers handle your blood sample properly?
- Did the police officers follow all proper procedures in the stop and subsequent arrest?
For example, police must perform two BAC tests to ensure the breathalyzer is working correctly. If one of the tests shows a 0.07 and the other shows a 0.08, we will thoroughly investigate the breath testing machine in question. If we find maintenance or calibration issues with it, we may be able to convince the court you were likely under the 0.08 limit while driving, or we might be able to get the evidence thrown out. This means we might be able to get the prosecution to throw out your case or reduce your charge to a DUI.
How can having a DWI defense lawyer help me mitigate the damage done?
Having the right lawyer on your side while navigating an underage DWI case is key in getting the best outcome possible. You want someone with experience, who is both aggressive and effective.
We fight for your best interests in both the administrative license revocation process as well as in your criminal case. We act quickly and aggressively for our clients, using our extensive knowledge of the state and local drunk driving laws and our experience in the local court system. Randall B. Isenberg was both a chief felony prosecutor and a state district judge, so we have insider knowledge of how the other side operates.
We work to minimize the charges against you, reducing the potential consequences, and ensuring the courts treat you fairly. We can even help you get your occupational driver’s license, which will allow you to drive to school and work.
Our goal is to help every client have a bright future, even if they made a mistake as a teenager. This includes thinking about what happens when you apply for university or a new job several years down the road. We consider all aspects of how a DWI arrest can affect your life, and work to mitigate all these potential negative outcomes.

Schedule your free consultation with a Fort Worth underage DWI lawyer.
If you or your child was recently arrested or is facing charges for an underage DWI in Fort Worth, you need the Law Offices of Randall B. Isenberg on your side. Our team can help you understand and navigate the process, and ensure your rights remain protected.
Call us today at 214-696-9253 to schedule a time to talk to attorney Randall B. Isenberg about your case.